Monday, September 25, 2017

Blog Post 3

Unfortunately I was unable to find the information in my textbook to be able to answer the first two questions.

While doing the Newsletter assignment, I learned how to work with columns. I've tried using the columns in Word in the past before. Unfortunately, I was unable to get it to work properly and as it was not a requirement of the other assignments I stopped using them and stuck with the more traditional style. Since they were a requirement of this assignment, I finally put in the effort to learn how to properly use them so that they did not break up the flow of the paper.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Blog Post 2

MS Word is a program that I've used extensively throughout my educational experience. A majority of this usage was to write essays for various projects. Another large percentage is taken up by notes, especially as I go further into my college experience. I have also used it extensively in order to plan out projects. These include brainstorming, creating outlines, creating schedules, and saving sources.

I do not have a lot of experience with copyright or fair use. Largely, my experience runs more along the lines of plagiarism i.e. "make sure when you use it that you cite any and all sources you use, do not portray it as your own work." I would attempt to resolve these issues by taking it on a case-by-case basis of what I can use and researching anything I am unsure of before I used it.

I would attempt to address sexting by pointing out the legal implications and what could happen to my students should they be caught doing this. Another issue that would be addressed would be privacy. I would encourage students to not share their personal information with people they meet online or, if they do, then not to share more than just their first name and a few very vague facts. Cyberstalking would be addressed by encouraging students to privatize their personal social media accounts and monitoring their friends list to only include people they actually know.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Blog Post 1

Teacher's are motivated to use technology in the classroom by the necessity to prepare students to be able to effectively use technology in a world that has increasingly become more reliant on technology. Students use technology because it is something they have grown up with and are used to it. To them it is another part of everyday life and it would be akin to some older generations not using pencil and paper in their work.

The ISTE Standard that resonated the most with me was how teachers have to continually learn about new technologies and practice with them. I've known a lot of teachers throughout my educational experience as a student who were unfamiliar with technology. It can get distracting, especially when you know how to do it better. It can also keep students from becoming engaged because they will usually use such technology to the bare minimum of its potential.

I do personally agree with the term "digital native". "Digital natives", in my own opinion, are those who have grown up not just completely surrounded by technology, but also using and interacting with it from a young age. I've noticed that a lot of my teachers don't really know as how to use some of the features of technology that people my age use very often, largely noticeable on programs like social media or Microsoft Office. In the future, I anticipate that I will likely fall into the same pitfalls if I am unable to keep up with the changing technology unless I take the time to learn how to use new resources extensively.